Hilton at My House: Series Introduction

Before I moved into this apartment, I'd long wanted a place to call my own. Living with roommates wears on you, and while I had financially stable ones (for which I am grateful), I simply wanted a dedicated space for me and only me. I also grew weary of coming home to a dirty kitchen, stained carpet (thanks to pets....that weren't mine) and often a hodge-podge of strangers. Oh! Let me not forget the numerous times both the front door and windows were left ajar, with only strangers to account for my roommates whereabouts. Lordie, the stories...the mischief, all the filth and agony. 

Fast forward to today, May 9th 2015: New Apartment + No roommates + Minimal furniture = Endless Possibilities. 

From the dawn of time, I've been obsessed with hotels. The combination of luxury, minimalism and storage boggles me everytime. With a bias towards Sheratons, Hiltons and other luxury chains, (basically any hotel with white plush bedding --> sign me up!) I can think of no better way to celebrate my love of luxury hotels than to bring that same luxury home! How awesome would it be to sleep at the Hilton every single stinking night and forgo the astronomical lodging fees? Thankfully this apartment came with a few unexpected and-therefore-much-more-appreciated perks like a killer view, upgraded kitchen, hardwood throughout the entire out and a whopping 858 sqft. Let's start with some before pictures: 

*cues Beyonce* I wake up to this! I wake up to this! Flawless. Every.Morning.

Totally didn't expect this - I can certainly get used to this. 

Why yes, that is bed...in the living room. The actual bedroom is waaaay too small for this AND the view is too great to pass up. 

Loads of natural light + ample space + a very flexible management team = I can literally do what I want! *evil laugh ensues*

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